Customer Support believes in offering excellent customer satisfaction. The resources on this web page offer answers to most of your questions.

Order Status (view all)
Has my order shipped?
How do I track my order?
When will my back-order arrive?
How do I cancel my order?
An item is missing from my shipment.
Pricing and Billing (view all)
What are my payment options?
When will my credit card be charged?
When will my credit appear on my card?
Do I have to pay sales tax?
Shipping and Returns (view all)
How do I return my product?
How much is my shipping?
When will my order ship?
I received the wrong product?
What is Return Policy?
International/APO Shipping (view all)
Do you ship to my country?
What are my payment choices?
When will my order ship?
What are my shipping charges?
Do you ship to APO/FPO/AP?
Buyer's Guide (view all)
How do I find my product?
How do I view the size chart?
I am having problems ordering.
Group & Special Orders
Terms and Conditions Promises/Disclosures
Customer Privacy Policy
Security (online-ordering)
Terms and Conditions
Notices and Disclosures
Additional Support/Information
Contact Us
Company Information
Wholesale Purchasing
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Tip: to view all frequently asked questions about any of the above categories, simply click on
(view all).